Zawory przelewowe (ventable)

Zawory przelewowe z odpowietrzeniem (ventable)

A Ventable Relief Valve (RV) is a type of relief valve used to:

Act as safety valves. They protect fixed displacement pumps and directional control valves when pump output flow is intermittently blocked.
Limit pressure overshoot associated with pressure compensated pumps.
Protect hydraulic actuators (cylinders & motors) from shock pressures associated with starting and stopping heavy loads.
Specifications of Relief Valve Ventable (RV):

  • Rated flow of up to 480 LPM
  • Maximum pressure of 420 Bar

Special features of ventable relief valve:

Port 3 allows an ventable relief valve to be remote controlled or to be used for pump unloading

Zawory przelewowe z odpowietrzeniem (ventable)
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