Zawory sekwencyjne

Zawory sekwencyjne

SC-30WL, 3-port valves, are Direct-acting sequence valves with reverse-flow check. Their uses include:

Supply a secondary circuit with flow once pressure at port 1 exceeds the valve setting
Provide reverse flow from port 2 to port 1 by incorporating an integral check valve
Suitable for use in load holding applications.
Specifications of Direct-acting sequence valves with reverse-flow check valves:

Pressure at port 3 is directly additive to the valve setting at 1:1 ratio and should not exceed 350 bar.
Special Features of Direct-acting sequence valves with reverse-flow check valves:

Pressure at port 1 can be controlled via pressure setting, relative to pressure at port 3
Despite being a zero pilot flow valve, Port 3 must be connected to maintain a pressure reference in the control chamber. Blockage at port 3 will allow reciprocating seal weepage to cause the valve to malfunction.

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